GBCS2000e is the ultimate product for corporate or enterprise management in the e-Commerce world.
It is the natural sequel to our classical product, GBCS, launched successfully 20 years ago. GBCS2000e has been developed using proven state-of the art technologies. Meticulous planning, market feedback, and our accumulated wealth of knowledge in business applications have gone intro the construction of this product. GBCS2000e is developed on OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming System) based on 4th Generation Language with the data residing on open system database.
It is an extremely flexible development environment with connectivity to existing database engines and presentation managers. GBCS2000e uses an advanced Dictionary along with full screen/menu/report creation tools, context sensitive help and messages and ANSI standard Structured Query Language (SQL).
This has resulted in the following capabilities that are necessary for any user.
Developed in the same robustness as the Enterprise Software - GBCS2000e. All the functionalities are organized into modules which are absolutely integrated and ...
view detailInfrastructure is the physical hardware used to interconnect computers and users. Infrastructure includes the transmission media both wired and wireless, including telephone lines, ...
view detailSun Technosystems has developed specialized software solutions which are based on open source telephony platform and tool kit for integration and deployment of ...
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